Attendance drip rubber card folding, bending, perforation, cutting, water immersion, static electricity, near high temperature, strong magnetic field (magnet), etc.. May damage the attendance cards internal chip drip card saved in the card data loss.
The possible results are: attendance card cannot be recognized when swiping, prompting invalid card; no reflection when canteen consumption, unable to read the data inside the drip rubber card, resulting in normal consumption.
Attention to the storage and use of attendance drip card!
Pay attention to the daily storage and protection of attendance card, which can prolong the service life of attendance time drip rubber card.
It is recommended not to put decorations on the surface of attendance drip card", otherwise, the attendance card may not be recognized correctly, and there may be a prompt invalid card" when taking attendance.
Please use the attendance card correctly. When swiping the card, please place the card accurately in the swiping recognition area of the attendance host (not to touch the surface of the attendance machine) at a distance of CM).
Not placing the drip card in the attendance recognition area or moving the drip card too fast (the attendance card stays in the recognition area for too short a time) may cause the attendance host to fail to recognize the attendance card (number) correctly, resulting in attendance failure.
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